A Text From Matt

Read this beautiful message of gratitude that was sent to Earl by a resident who just moved out. This is the stuff that keeps us going, the stuff that YOU make possible in all the ways that YOU support us.

Hey Earl,

I remember when I moved into my Oxford House home you were cleaning the bathroom in the basement. If you have time you should go and have a look at how clean I left the house for you and I took care of the cobwebs on the ceiling in the basement also. I washed my walls, and the walls going from the kitchen downstairs. Washed and folded all the sheets from Donald's, Steve's and my room. I tried to make it a hell of a lot easier for you, after seeing how much you had done for everyone else including myself.Never forget that you are someone who is making a huge difference and your presence will never be forgotten by all those you've helped. I certainly will never forget you. I would wish you luck but you've got something better than that on your side. The universe rewards you with what you want, you just have to ask for it first.I can't wait to see how far you are able to take Oxford house, and I'll be able to say "hey I know that guy and he helped me too" and that fills my heart with hope for myself and whatever I may face. You prepared me for the world and showed me there's more to life than my next high or drink.When I thought that was all I had in this world you showed me so much more. You gave me a sense of belonging and hope where there was no hope before. No matter what the world throws at me I know I'm ready and I owe that to you and Oxford house.Thank you Oxford House for all that you do and have done for me. Your job may be one of the most forgotten jobs to thank people for and I appreciate everything you do for everyone on the road to recovery. It might not seem like much but you were a huge influence in my staying clean.If there's ever anything I can do to help you guys or if you need something sharpened, for you it's free.



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