Monthly Donor Program.

At Oxford House, we believe in the power of family!

That's why we've created the Oxford House Family Monthly Donor Program, a way for you to join our family and support our communities as they build their best lives.

By becoming a monthly donor, you'll not only be making a difference in someone's life, but you'll also see just how far your support can go! For just $9 a day, you can provide a home for someone at Oxford House.

That's just $9 a month covers a day.

$63 a month will cover an entire week.

Really, really want to help?
$275 will cover a whole month!

AND, your donations up to $10,000 will be matched by The Canadian Tilling Foundation!

Your donation, no matter the amount, will make a lasting impact and symbolizes hope for someone who had the courage to change their life.

Joining the Oxford House Family is easy. Simply choose the amount you'd like to donate each month, and we'll automatically deduct your donation from your chosen payment method. You can change or cancel your gift at any time.

As a part of the Oxford House Family, you'll receive the following:

  • A consolidated tax receipt at the beginning of each calendar year.

  • The opportunity to establish a closer relationship with Oxford House and its mission through invitations to events and regular updates.

  • The satisfaction of knowing that your generous commitment empowers Oxford House to provide homes and support for those in recovery.

  • An Oxford House key tag that symbolizes your effort to put the keys of a home in the hands of someone who is in recovery.

  • Special recognition as a member of our generous family of supporters in our annual report *if requested

Join us and make a difference by becoming an Oxford House Family Support Circle member today. Your support will help us continue to provide hope and a brighter future for those in need.